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Happy Factory


Donna Cooley and Doug Carr

896 N. 2175 W. Circle
Cedar City, Utah 84721


“We may not be able to make a toy for every child in the world that needs one–but we’re going to try!”

Since their humble beginnings, The Happy Factory has welcomed volunteers of every age–including juvenile offenders in three state correctional facilities. There are no paid salaries. The Happy Factory is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All the materials they use are donated and all of the toys are made by volunteers. Every toy is donated to a child in need. The toys are made of scraps of hardwood donated by a local cabinet maker. Unfortunately, there are a few expenses for wheels and axles, saw blades, building maintenance costs and other miscellaneous items. The Happy Factory workers are toy makers, not fundraisers. It costs approximately fifty cents per toy for wheels and axles. They gratefully accept donations of materials, time, and money.